Whenever I went home for a break in college it was bitter-sweet- I would be away from my friends, I would have less freedom over my schedule, and I would miss campus, but… at least I wouldn’t have to struggle with party culture for a few weeks!
If you grew up Catholic or Lutheran, Lent may be an old idea to you. But for many folks who grew up Evangelical or not Christian, Lent is a foreign concept.
Okay, so I know Christmas is all about Jesus coming down and giving to flesh the name Immanuel—God with Us—and that is THE most radical, compassionate story out there.
Happy New Year! … wait, what? No, I’m not drunk. According to the church calendar, the beginning of the new year begins with the first day of Advent. And the first day of Advent was December 1st!
Have you ever waited and waited for something? The release of a new movie, that certain someone to text you back, or graduation? Sometimes, it feels like forever!
I bet you didn't think that would be the first sentence of the first summer devotional. And maybe you're hating me a little bit right now because you'd rather be thinking about the beach than neuroscience. But bare with me.
2017. It's Saturday of Easter weekend. One year ago. It seemed like such a peaceful day. My housemate was moving into our new house and as I waited for her to arrive, I watched my new street and dreamed about opportunities we would have. I never expected what would happen next.