
By Jessica Pryor

In this excerpt from the Sermon on the Mount, we see Jesus challenge some different narratives with examples of people doing good works. So take a deep breath, and let’s jump in! 

By John MacKorell

When I was in school, I wanted to have a good time, be one of the guys, and get the attention of the pretty girls. Pretty standard for a fraternity guy I guess.

By Alison Smith

This week we're going to engage with Scripture in a different way through a practice called "Imaginative Prayer." Bear with me, it's not that weird. Developed by St. Ignatius in the mid 1500s as one of his Spiritual Exercises, Imaginative Prayer provides an opportunity to enter specific moments in Jesus’ life and thereby share his experience.

By Mark Abdon

Credit to my parents; they raised me to be fairly independent.  And I think they succeeded.  By age 21, I had driven across the country by myself a couple times, lived abroad for a semester where few people spoke English, could do my own taxes, and add the proper amount of hot water to Ramen noodles. 
