Greek InterVarsity at Arizona State University didn't even exist until just over a year ago, but now there are dozens of students involved, house ministries getting started and students growing in their faith. Abbi is one of the many students who is helping to lay a foundation for ministry at Arizona State as a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Let's find out some more!
How did you first get connected with Greek InterVarsity?
I decided to rush my sophomore year and was worried that my faith would be lost in the Greek system. I remember receiving an email about a Greek InterVarsity info meeting. Greek IV was just coming to Arizona State and I was beyond ecstatic to learn more about it.
How would you describe your faith coming into freshman year?
My senior year of high school I gave my life to Christ. As a new Christian I was completely on fire and didn't really have a sense of community; so when unfortunate events happened in my life I didn't know how to cope properly and ended up straying from my faith. I didn't find my community and true identity in Christ until about a year ago, and Greek IV helped me to do that.
What do you love about being a member of the Greek system?
One reason I love being Greek is the house I am in. Having the love and support from all of my sisters, and seeing that love extend out to the community is heartwarming and reminds me why I am Greek.
How did you go from being involved with Greek IV to becoming a leader on campus?
When our staff worker Allison and I met for coffee, she asked me questions about my faith and where I was at in my walk. I realized that although it may be hard and potentially frightening at times, that God was calling me to share my faith with my sisters and help lead my chapter Bible study.

How have things been going on campus at ASU over the last year?
Last year was the first year Greek IV came to Arizona State, and the fact that the organization has already touched so many lives and grown so quickly is beyond amazing. Seeing the Greek community come together and learning more about the people involved and what they do for their houses as followers of Christ inspires me to do the same in my house and do all that I can to reach as many Greeks as possible.
What experiences and individuals have been key in shaping you as a leader?
When I was in a tough season in my faith recently, I was advised by someone in my church to start meeting with a woman named Michelle. It turns out she had started volunteering for Greek IV, so I was seeing her multiple times throughout the week. She helped me get through a rough patch in my life, grow in my faith and she inspired me to become a leader in my chapter as well as Greek IV. Michelle is now on Greek IV staff and is still mentoring me every week, and I hold a very special place in my heart for her. She is such a strong and godly woman who I look up to in all aspects of my life.