A student at California State University, San Marcos recently shared this story. It's only a few weeks into the school year and we're excited to see how God continues to move on campus throughout the year!
I moved into a house with all my best friends from freshman year, none of them being Christians. Elexus, who I share a room with, recently accepted Christ into her life and has been sprinting toward Him ever since. She is now a new apprentice in our Bible study.
Kelsey, another roommate, has been attending the Greek IV Bible study every week either on her own or carpooling with me. This is one of the only events I have seen Kelsey go to all on her own, outside of me inviting her. She did not grow up in a religious household, but she became curious after going to a couple of Greek IV meetings.
After Bible study last Tuesday, our staff worker asked Kelsey several questions about her past with God and what she feels about Him now. She had nothing holding her back from receiving Jesus into her heart that very moment, so I had the beautiful opportunity to lead her in the prayer to become a sister in Christ! God is so good!!