Each week leading up to Greek Conference we'll be sharing an exclusive interview with one of our 3 Greek Conference speakers. Today, we're featuring John "Jmack" Mackorell.
Tell us about you. Where do you live? What do you do? What's your family like? Any random things we should know about you?
I live in Frank Underwood's hometown (House of Cards anyone?) of Gaffney, SC while my wife, Christen, attends the Physician Assistant Program near us. We live with our two-year old daughter, Dargan, and eight-year old dog, Georgia. I have an emotionally unhealthy relationship with Clemson football, and I believe my family does now too.
I have an emotionally unhealthy relationship with Clemson football, and I believe my family does now too.
Where did you go to college and what is your Greek affiliation?
I was in school for about a week before joining Sigma Nu at Clemson University as a freshman. Greek Life was my world in school.
Why did you go Greek?
I joined my fraternity for none of the noble reasons like leadership or service opportunities. It was all about big parties and good times. I came to enjoy many other aspects of Greek Life, but as an wide-eyed and mystified freshman, joining the party scene was priority number one.
What did you like most about your brotherhood?
I remember hearing an alumnus talking about the lifelong friendships he had with his brothers during rush. That was a little hard to believe standing in a room full of strangers at the time, but now 12 years later, it's true. My pledge class still gets together for football games, reunions,

and weddings (which are basically like the new formals).
What's your favorite memory from Greek life?
I'd be hard pressed to narrow it down to one memory, but living on the fraternity hall with 30 other brothers was a fun time. Always having friends to hang out with, playing pranks on one another, waking everyone up at 7am on Saturdays for tailgates, and sharing stories on Sunday mornings were all good times. Looking back there's really no other experience in life quite like that.
I can't think of a better opportunity to meet with God than Greek Conference.
Why should I go to Greek Conference?
In the midst of school work, social events, and other activities, its rare that you have an entire weekend to simply listen to God. Combine that with the fact that you're surrounded by over a hundred other members of Greek Life doing the same thing, and you have a pretty good chance you'll hear from Him. I can't think of a better opportunity to meet with God than Greek Conference.
Register for Greek Conference today! gc.greekiv.org